Israeli Archeologists have discovered several dozen pieces of the mystical Dead Sea Scrolls. They were found in a cave excavation site in the Judean Desert that includes parts of Palestine and Israel.

What made this possible was an Israeli government-funded excavation. The Israeli government was motivated to get out and get to hundreds of potential caves before looters could ravage these sites.
The writing on these newly discovered scrolls appears to be in Greek. From a time when there was conflict between the Jews and Rome. At this time the ruler of Rome was Emperor Hadrian. At a time when Rome was in one of its greatest architectural strides. Its believed this may have taken place around 1,900 years ago (110AD).
The scrolls were found around in a cave dangling around 262 feet from the top of a cliff. This is a pretty big discovery considering there haven’t been scrolls found this south of Jerusalem for 60 years. The Scrolls weren’t the only finds. Baskets, Coins, and human remains were also found that are much older than the scrolls.
It’s going to be exciting to find out more info about these discoveries as time goes on and history gets rewritten along the way.

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